Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ready, Set, Go.....

Sooooo it's my last day in Salzburg for awhile folks!
I went to bed early last night (8pm) so as to awake by 4 and head out to the train station by 5am. Mission - buy a calling card and call my beloved and my family. An easy task non? English anyone...anyone...anyone? Ok so I got the cash from the bank machine, I bought the card from the very, sign language only, distressed shop lady and attempted (many, many times) to complete a very simple task of making a phone call. Ah, 'no good, no English'. Help from a couple of people and and an hour trying any configuration on that damn card still lead nooooo where so off back to the hostel I went.
The sight of an angel sitting behind the desk! It appears that the wrong country code was being used as the operator at the train station assured me that I was to use 0032 instead of 001. I can handle that....at least I didn't lose the 12€!
I made a quick call to my momma and since everyone else is asleep I shall call later today. My sister has her first appointment with the doctor today checking on the babe due in August!
The morning after breakfast was spent doing some paperwork and resting. I headed out for a bit of lunch and a stroll picking up a few things for the journey tomorrow.
I look forward to connecting this evening with my family and my beloved Chris. Packing and organizing everything will also be done as my flight tomorrow is rather early at 830am via Vienna to Delhi.
One moment at a time of course but I must admit that the dream has become a reality and in my heart I feel my spirit sing gratitude for this blessing, this adventure and the journey of a life unfolding....
All my love

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