Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is the end... for now

And so, yet again, we move towards the completion of a time well spent, new friendships and good wishes are caressed with the end of this session nearing...
A glorious day of sun, cool, crisp and invigorating wind strengthen our spirits to keep on track. With only 10 Sutras left to discover we began the day with the ritual of chanting the Sutras. One side of the class chanted and then the other, it was quite lovely. As we approached lunch, only two Sutras remained and so Kausthub decided that a longer break should be enjoyed to the joy of some of the Swedish ladies as they desired a sunny afternoon stroll. We were to meet again at 4pm. Some set up to take a sleigh ride with one of the locals and their glorious steeds. I noticed a couple enjoying such a romantic ride together and the trot trot trot of the horse brought back childhood memories.
I decided to relax and take a leisurely nap this afternoon, enjoy my book, gaze and admire my bedroom balcony view of the mountains in no haste to leave. I am glad to have a couple of days in Salzburg to transition from this profound experience and into another world.... India...
May this find you well, peaceful and happy!
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om


Anonymous said...

Beauty-Full Jennifer,

I see your glow from here.
Thinking of You, thinking of me, Thinking of You

till soon, xoS

Jennifer Gillis said...

Thank you dear one! I hold you with me and will definitely hold space with a sacred elephant for you! xo Kiss Kiss